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Medications Can Contribute To Dry Mouth Syndrome And Affect Your Oral Health

TODAY, MEDICATION OFTEN HAS annoying side-effects like nausea or headaches. But...

The Buy One, Give One Toothbrush… Bogobrush!

WHAT IF YOUR TOOTHBRUSH could be a force for good in the world?

Pregnant? Let’s Keep Both Your Mouth And Your Baby Healthy

PREGNANCY BRINGS a lot of changes. Don't worry! We’re here to help.

Do You Recognize These 6 Common Misconceptions About Dental Health?

ONCE UPON A TIME, people believed they could cure a toothache by driving a nail into an oak. Today, we believe some silly things too...

4 Important Benefits Of Regular Dental Check Ups

IT MAY BE TEMPTING TO SKIP A DENTAL checkup now and then. But remember that regular checkups...

3 Questions To Ask Yourself About Brushing

BRUSHING YOUR TEETH is so basic that most people don’t think about it much...